Our history

Secora’s growth has tightly tracked the major global shifts of the past 20 years. There seems to be a recurring pattern: we boost performance for our clients on the incoming crest of the next big industry change.



Secora begins when Dr Sean C. Rast partners with John Grout (pictured) to conduct process improvement programs across the Western European automotive industry.

Sean’s background as a former US Army Ranger and holder of a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt (DMAIC and DFSS) has given him a unique perspective on the work; and his mix of analysis, imagination and unswerving commitment is embraced by John as well.



Expanding to Australia to pursue consulting opportunities in the local automotive industry, Secora instead is swept into the mining boom. Successful engagements with BHP and Rio Tinto lead to a steadily growing roster of clients in the resources sector.

The scale of these enterprises gives greater scope for asset improvement, and Secora is now routinely achieving results that outstrip their successes in automotive manufacturing. Bringing the lessons learned in auto maintenance and asset management to mining translates to exponentially higher ROI and x100, x1,000, even x3,000 returns.


Secora wins its first defence contract on the strength of its track record in asset management. Russ Crane’s Defence Transformation Program is sending waves through Australia’s defence community –  and Secora’s new skills, learned on recent work for US Defence, are in demand. 



Secora’s expertise now encompasses the equipment side, and diagnosing and fixing the root causes of shut-downs and outages becomes a new speciality. This leads to new opportunities to deliver significant value in the oil and gas sector.


Secora’s expertise now encompasses the equipment side, and diagnosing and fixing the root causes of shut-downs and outages becomes a new speciality. This leads to new opportunities to deliver significant value in the oil and gas sector.


As the LNG industry ramps up, capital projects and productivity improvement briefs expand. Secora expands further into the mega project arena and Lean construction space, introducing new ways of working such as modular construction solutions and digital technology.



The utilities sector – and its reliance on complex, capital-intensive assets – becomes Secora’s next frontier. ‘Mega-utilities’ like off-shore drilling platforms and power stations join submarines and warships at the centre of our attention. 

The success of these new projects flows in large part from Secora’s effective leveraging of years of cross-industry experience. Lessons learned in one environment make effective change easier in the next. 


The power of digital technology is set to change the landscape of asset management, and Secora is embracing it.

Our role as catalyst in DefenceNT’s Virtual Twin initiative has given us a whole new set of relationships with key players in the digital and maritime space. Digital modelling and analytics bring the promise of unheard of gains, and we welcome the opportunity to take the lead in improving assets on an even wider scale.


Book an informal chat with one of our team today